
Maximize Safety with MSA SAFETY Equipment

Maximize Safety with MSA SAFETY Equipment

The MSA SAFETY Equipment line is designed to help you maximize safety and protect your employees from hazards. The high-quality gear features a wide range of models that can be used in multiple applications and industries. Our products are designed with comfort in mind, making them easy to wear even after long hours on the job site. They also provide reliable protection against dangers such as falls, explosions or other accidents caused by machinery malfunctioning or electrical hazards like lightning strikes or power surges. We offer warranty on all our products through our parent company, Helios Safety (www.heliossafety.com).

Comprehensive safety equipment

MSA Safety Equipment is available for all types of work environments and activities. Whether you are working in the field, operating heavy machinery or performing maintenance on your vehicle, our comprehensive safety equipment will help ensure that you stay safe while performing these tasks.

Our wide variety of MSA Safety Products includes:

High-quality and reliable protection

Maximizing safety and minimizing risk is a major concern for contractors and their workers. MSA Safety Equipment is designed to provide high-quality protection that is reliable, safe and effective. Our products are designed for use in various industries including construction, mining, transportation and manufacturing.

Our line of safety equipment includes hard hats with visors that can be worn over helmets or head straps; safety glasses with impact resistant lenses; respirator masks for use on dusty work sites or when wearing protective clothing such as overalls; eye shields for welding goggles or other applications where visual access is restricted by dust particles floating near the surface of the metal being worked upon (example: drilling into steel plate); vests with pockets containing ladders/tools needed during construction projects such as concrete pouring sites where there may be some height requirements associated with placing materials into place safely without falling off edge onto another worker below!

Versatile applications

MSA SAFETY Gears is a versatile and powerful tool for any application. The following are just some of the industries that can benefit from our products:

  • Lifting, handling, and transporting

  • Fire protection

  • HVAC

  • Lubrication

  • Oil and gas

  • Refrigeration

Chemical processing: Pharmaceuticals; plastics

Advanced safety features

MSA SAFETY has a number of advanced safety features to help ensure that your employees are safe while they are doing their job. The following is a brief description of each:

  • Safety Harness: This type of harness is designed to be worn by individuals who need extra support during certain tasks or activities. It attaches around the chest, abdomen and shoulders with straps that secure it firmly in place while protecting workers from falling objects such as tools or debris.

  • Safety Helmet: A helmet protects an employee's head when he/she falls off something high up like a ladder or scaffolding during work on construction sites; if there were no protection for his/her head then he/she could sustain serious injury such as brain damage or death! The type used here has been shown effective at reducing accidents by 50%.

Comfort and ergonomic design

Safety equipment is designed to fit your body. It's important to consider how comfortable you want it to be so that it doesn't feel like an obstacle in the way of doing what you need or want. Safety equipment should also be designed with ergonomics in mind, which means that it fits comfortably without restricting movement or causing discomfort when worn. This way, even if your safety gear needs repairs or replacement parts over time (which they will), they'll still feel good enough so as not to cause any issues during use—and if anything does happen along with damage from wear and tear on the product itself...well...that's another story altogether!

The key here is finding what works best for YOU; there's no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes down to comfort--you've got unique needs compared with other people who use different gear types throughout their daily lives."

Reliable protection against hazards

MSA safety equipment is reliable, durable and easy to use. It’s also easy to maintain and install – so you can be confident that your workplace is safe from hazards every day.

MSA The Safety Company offers a wide range of products for all kinds of applications: hazardous areas like petroleum refineries and chemical plants; high-risk industries like automotive parts manufacturing facilities; construction sites where workers may be exposed to chemical spills or cutting tools; food processing plants where chemicals are used in production processes (e.g., cooking grease); healthcare facilities where patients may receive injections or medication delivered by intravenous infusion pump delivery system servicing multiple stations at once across hospital units; electronics assembly lines where circuit boards contain components placed within plastic encapsulation enclosures prior to assembly onto printed circuit boards without additional protective measures being taken beyond those already required by local legislation such as OSHA standards which require certain protective measures around hazardous areas such as power supply circuits etcetera).

Compliance with safety standards

Compliance with safety standards is important. It’s important for the safety of your employees, and it’s also important for the safety of your customers. If you have a problem with your equipment, it can lead to serious injuries or even death if someone is injured while using it. When choosing MSA SAFETY Equipment as part of your business, we make sure that our products meet all of these standards:

  • AS/NZS2563:1999 - Safety Requirements for Machinery and Equipment (Safety Standard)

  • AS/NZS2568-2004 - Safety Requirements for Machinery and Equipment—Structure—Part 2: General Requirements (Safety Standard)

Positive customer experiences

Customer service is a key part of the brand, business and product. MSA has been serving customers for more than 40 years, and we know how important it is to provide excellent customer service. Our goal is to create an exceptional experience every time you interact with us. We want you to feel like you're speaking directly with one of our team members when calling or emailing us about your order or any other question or concern—and we'll do everything possible to make sure that happens!

We've built our reputation on providing high-quality products at affordable prices along with unparalleled customer support in all areas: manufacturing process; delivery times; packaging materials (if needed); instructions for installation/use; technical support during installation/use, etc., etc., etc..

Comprehensive safety solutions

If you're looking for the best safety equipment, MSA The Safety has a solution for you. We offer a wide range of products, including:

  • Safety helmets

  • Tyvek suits and booties for workers who need to protect themselves from hazardous materials or contaminants in their work environment. These can be used by construction workers, electrical linemen and plumbers or anyone else that needs protection from harmful chemicals or dusts during their daily tasks.

  • Work gloves made from Kevlar® fabric that offers a level of protection against cuts and punctures while still allowing workers' hands freedom of movement when they need it most—and more importantly—keeping them comfortable while they're working!

Warranty and customer support

MSA Safety Equipment is committed to providing you with the highest level of service and care.

We have a warranty that covers most of the products we sell and a customer support team ready to help you with any questions or concerns you may have.

You can reach our customer care department by phone at 1-800-659-1131 or by email at [email protected].

MSA equipment is the ideal choice for any business looking to protect its employees and customers from potentially dangerous situations. Our safety solutions provide a wide range of features that ensure your facility will remain safe, while also providing comfort and convenience for both employees and customers. With years of experience making products specifically designed with safety in mind, we know exactly what it takes to make sure you receive top-quality products every time!

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