
Secure Your Property with the REOLINK Camera System

Secure Your Property with the REOLINK Camera System

The REOLINK camera system is a high-quality, easy-to-use surveillance system that provides wide-angle coverage and advanced motion detection. It's designed for both indoor and outdoor use, so you can protect all of your property from thieves and vandals. The mobile app lets you view live video feeds from any mobile device or computer, while allowing you to interact with the camera via email notifications, text messages and more.

System Overview

The REOLINK Camera System is a cloud-connected video surveillance system that uses your Wi-Fi to connect with your smartphones and tablets. It features HD video streaming, motion detection alerts, and real time monitoring of the camera's field of view.

The system is designed for use in commercial or residential environments where you need to add extra security or monitoring capabilities to an existing setup. The cameras can be mounted on walls or ceilings anywhere there is electrical outlets; they also have clips that allow them to move through window openings when needed (e.g., during power outages). They come with mounting accessories so they can be installed quickly with no tools required!

High-Quality Video Surveillance

The REOLINK Security Camera System is a high-quality video surveillance system that offers wide-angle coverage, advanced motion detection, remote access and monitoring. It also features weatherproof design, two-way audio communication and easy installation and setup. With the ability to store video data locally or in the cloud via your own server or our free cloud storage service (depending on your preference), you will have peace of mind when it comes to keeping an eye on your property 24/7!

Wide-Angle Coverage

Wide-angle lenses are great for capturing a larger area. For example, if you have a large property with multiple buildings and lots of trees, wide-angle lenses will give you the ability to cover more of your property in one shot. You can also use these lenses to capture more of what’s happening around your home or business.

Wide-angle lenses are also useful when capturing landscapes because they allow users to take advantage of the natural vistas that surround them—and make them stand out from other views found on their screen!

Advanced Motion Detection

  • The REOLINK Security camera system detects motion, no matter the light level or weather conditions.

  • The camera's motion detection can be set to detect movement in a wide range of light levels, from dark to bright.

  • You can set it so that your camera will only detect people or objects moving within a specific area—for example, you might want it to only detect vehicles passing by on the street outside your home at night but not stray animals making their way into your yard during daytime hours.

  • If you want even more flexibility when setting up security footage around your property, you can choose between two different modes: Continuous (the default) or Motion-Activated Recording Mode (MAM). In MAM mode, once motion is detected by either infrared light sensors or heat-sensitive detectors within each unit’s lens assembly section which sits above the lens itself; this triggers recording automatically without any further need for manual activation via buttons on top paneling which usually happens when using traditional CCTV systems with separate control panels rather than integrated ones like ours do here today!

Remote Access and Monitoring

With the REOLINK camera system, you can remotely access and monitor your home or business from anywhere in the world. You can see what’s happening inside your house or office, even if you're not there.

The REOLINK mobile app allows users to view live video from their smartphone on their tablet or computer screens through Wi-Fi connections (or even cellular data). This is ideal for parents who want to check up on their kids while they're sleeping at night, as well as business owners who need constant access to their property during work hours when they're away from home base.

The motion detection feature will automatically trigger recording when motion is detected within its range of detection zones—which vary depending on how large an area you've marked with infrared LEDs—and then save those clips into a secure server so that they are easily accessible via password protection features like encryption keys and passcodes set up by each customer before purchase.*

Weatherproof Design

The REOLINK camera system has been designed with weatherproofing in mind. It can withstand harsh weather conditions, including high winds and heavy snowfall. The camera is IP66 rated, meaning that it’s completely protected from dust, dirt and water—even if you drop your system on the ground!

Two-Way Audio Communication

One of the most important parts of home security is two-way communication. You can talk to your family and hear what they are saying from anywhere in the world, but only if you have a system that supports this feature. The REOLINK Security  Camera System has been designed with this in mind, and its features include:

  • Two-Way Audio Communication – Allows you to hear what’s going on at home while it also allows them (or anyone else) to listen in on what’s happening there as well

  • Live Viewing – Watch life happen right before your eyes!

Easy Installation and Setup

The REOLINK camera system is easy to install, and when you do so, it will be simple for you to understand how it works. Once installed, you can use the app on your phone or tablet to check in real time on what's going on at home.

Cloud Storage and Local Storage Options

The cloud storage option is a great option for businesses that need to store large amounts of data. If you're a business and your IT department is not equipped with the proper hardware, software, or manpower to handle all of your storage needs, then this may be the best solution for you.

In addition to storing images on our servers in the cloud, we also offer local storage options that allow users to upload files directly through their REOLINK cameras' web interfaces so that they can be accessed anywhere at any time without having them stored on any remote server somewhere else across town.

Mobile App Integration

The REOLINK app offers users a simple way to keep track of their camera system and make sure everything is working properly. It’s available for Android and iOS, making it easy for you to access the features inside your REOLINK camera from anywhere with an internet connection.

The interface is intuitive, allowing you to easily navigate through all of your cameras without any effort on your part. Once installed on your smartphone or tablet device (or even laptop), you'll be able to view live video feeds from each camera in real time as well as configure them through the mobile app itself—no complicated setup instructions required! You can also use the interface when accessing saved footage by logging into one of our cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive; simply click "Open" next time and watch what happened while they were away!"

The REOLINK indoor security camera system is an excellent way to protect your home or business from vandalism and theft. It offers high-quality video surveillance, with wide-angle coverage, advanced motion detection and two-way audio communication. The system also features weatherproof design and easy installation and setup.

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